Hello and welcome to
This blog was made by two book nerds Tadi and Hano!
We made it so we could pour our soul & thoughts on to our followers.
We write reviews! We have special segments! We even post our own writings!
** If you are an author looking for people to read and review your book then feel free to contact! We’ll be honoured to do it!
* If you have any suggestions or comments about our blog leave a comment down below! Otherwise reply to posts as you wish:]
* If you have any suggestions or comments about our blog leave a comment down below! Otherwise reply to posts as you wish:]
Now just a quick little tutorial:
· If you see a little green flag next to a book then it means that the book is paranormal/fantasy!
· If it has a yellow flag then it most likely is contemporary!
· If there is a red flag, it means it has a love triangle!
· The books will be rated with little hearts from 1 to 5; for its originality,
story, characters, romance, action…
· Writers: Tadi & Hano
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